
Movement Memo - Developing Strategic Capacity and Cultivating Collective Care: Towards Community Power

 “The movement feels stuck.” It’s a sentiment many of us at the Climate Justice Organizing HUB have expressed in one way or another over the past year, and one we have heard repeatedly from the grassroots organizers we work with across so-called Canada. This short memo serves as a summary of key themes and insights that emerged during a retreat session on “building deeper and wider”. Our collective discussion led us to the assessment that building long-term power in the climate justice movement requires developing strategic capacity across grassroots groups and cultivating practices of collective care as an integral component of our movement culture. The memo includes practical case studies, recommendations, and resources.

Published December 19th, 2024.

>>View and download the report here

Tools for Change: Understanding the Needs of Climate Justice Organizers in Canada 

During the summer and fall of 2023, the Climate Justice Organizing HUB conducted a needs assessment process through in-depth interviews with organizers in climate justice groups across Anglophone Canada. The intent was to hear directly from organizers in the climate justice movement about their current activities and projects, biggest challenges, and ideas for more tailored support and resources. In the course of this research, HUB team members spoke with: 21 organizers from 16 organizations across six provinces: Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

Published May 14th 2024.

>>View and download the report here

Building the Whirlwind: Movement-building lessons from the Montreal climate protests

With research and writing from former HUB Co-Directors Naomi Goldberg and Tom Liacas, as well as veteran social activist Alejandra Bravo, this Broadbent Institute Report was rooted in the “making of” story behind Montreal’s 2019 climate protests. Looking at this seminal movement moment, we wanted to identify the strategies and the practices that grow movements today. We wanted to understand how and why collective demands generated in movements surge at certain moments, creating tectonic shifts in society, particularly in a Canadian context. Our inquiry needed to be focused on one such instance to capture the complexity of one such surge and look at how it was propelled forward, so we dove into where we saw a rich story to hear, capture, and tell.

>>View and download the report here

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